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Who are we?

Why should you sell your  valuables to us? A good question with a simple answer, transparency.  All the Items are tested and weighed in front of you.  We like  to leave you store with a good feeling, a content customer is the best advertisement we can get. It is on our own interest to give you a good price.  Even if you are not sure if you want to part with your valuables or if you are unsure whether its real, it does not matter our advise is always free and non binding.


Since oktober 2022 we only do House calls. Please call us well in advance                                          tel. +31 (0)6-83770777  







''t gouden huisje,Inkoop,goud,zilver,Roermond,Geleen,contant,uitbetaald,heilige geeststraat 7,raadhuisstraat 18,hoogste prijs,limburg,goudinkoop,sieraden,sierraden,munten,goudinkoop,limburg,Gold silver,purshase,,non binding,service

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